Today we did a simple provocation involving blue, white, and black paint on white paper, with a thin brush and a thick brush.

C: No I don't
H: Is it a train?
E: Not any more
V: Is it a train?
E: no
It is quiet for a few moments. The brushes move across the paper in individual ways: circles, curved lines, back and forth, long straight.
V: Me too!
E: Me too
H: I want to cover it. I want the blue on top.
H: You can see E! He's doing round!
E I'm not. You are
H I'm going around
E me too!
V. I'm making a fire truck. I'm making a bus
E I'm making a bus also.

This running dialogue continues for a while, until each child finds an ending spot that feels right for them. They ask me to hang up their art. They wash their paint brushes and hands, then move on to the next activity.

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