I've always been intrigued by color. My mother was an artist and showed me from a very young age the way that light and color came together in her art. I found it intensely interesting and it was something we could always share together. It can be a challenge to remember to step back and follow rather than teach as my mother did. Every time I start to discuss color with a new group I learn more and develop more patience. The first time we met for group I set up pattern blocks in a circle that represented the color wheel. AS immediately noticed, "Those are rainbow colors!"

I nodded, "AS says these are rainbow colors. I wonder what else you notice?" LC pointed to the red pattern block and exclaimed, "It's red! Look!" This prompted everyone else to notice a color. EF pointed to the yellow, "Yellow!" TUS pointed to the purple, "And this one is purple! Purple has a p in it, but my name doesn't have a p." I nodded, "You all notice different colors! This circle is called a color wheel. In the wheel there is..." I pointed to each color as I said it, "yellow, green, blue, purple, red, and orange."
After we explored the color wheel to everyone's satisfaction, we talked about the idea of how some colors can mix to create other colors. Using water and food color, we mixed red and blue. First, each child took a turn dropping some food coloring into the water. Once everyone felt satisfied with how deep the hues were we spooned a little of each color into a new bowl. As the blue mixed with the red, EF shouted, "It's purple!" I responded, "EF says red and blue are mixing to make purple. I have some purple food coloring. Should we check?" Everyone nodded. We used our fourth bowl of water to drop the purple food coloring in. Though they weren't exactly a match, they were pretty close. AS affirmed this, "It's the same! Look!"

At the end as we cleaned up, TB said to me quietly, "I bet if we mixed ALL the colors together we'd get black." TUS said, "I did that once and it was brown." This little peek into their minds and how they are processing color made me feel excited for moving forward in coloring group. Next, we plan to see what happens when blue meets yellow!
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