Me: What happens when you put your hands over your ears?
TUS: I can't hear very well.
WK: Can you hear me?
Me: We've been talking a lot about how the brain sends messages to our bodies, and I did some research on ears, and it turns out that our brain also RECEIVES messages from our body, like our ears!
MR: Yeah, the sound vibrates.
WK: Yeah, it uses your ear drum, and if you hurt your ear drum, it won't let you hear.
MR: My grandfather can't really hear because his ears aren't working right, but he doesn't want those hearing things, so he didn't believe us.
TUS: If you do this, you can feel those little hairs in your ears.
MR: Yeah, those hairs protect your ears from dirt.
WK: Hairs?!
MR: Yeah, and there's a part of your ear that looks like a snail. It's a purple one. If you're mad it turns brown. Know how I know that? I saw it in my doctor's office.
Me: What do you want me to do research about?
WK: What do ear drums look like?
MR: I think they're circles.
WK: No, they're cubes.
TUS: Can I tell you somethin? Ears have hairs.
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