So, What do you do when a child holds out a toy to you?
Do you smile?
Do you say, "Oh Thank you!" and take it?
Do you offer out your hand?
Do you look confused as they jerk it back away?
Aren't you going to give it to me?
"I thought you were giving it to me." or "You were showing me?"
Being honest and clear about your side helps the child know you saw his moves and are available to listen to what they want to tell you about their needs, even if they are preverbal
"Look at that jar! It's clear and smooth." "Your face looks happy and proud."
Say what is true, accurate and what is happening. This helps the child slow down and engage in the moment.
"Look how that fits! Now you're holding it in your mouth. I wonder how it feels."
Asking wondering questions encourage the process of inquiry.
"You put it in my hand. Thank you"
Adding manner words gives the child a real world model for when these words are appropriate and when they feel good to say and share. It feels good to be together, to share toys and to be available to hear each other.
This is practice for interactions you hope to see between children. Asking for what you want, being clear about limits and setting up for success creates a standard of behavior which is self-sustaining.
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