Lately there has been a lot of saying goodbye at the infant house. Some of our friends are moving on to different journeys as summer greets us. We've spent last days together, lounging in each other's company and enjoying the familiarity. We've shed tears and put on brave smiles as we wish our friends the best and say that we hope to meet them again soon. One family that left us told me very sternly, "It isn't good bye. It's see you soon."

Saying goodbye is never a simple thing. We look forward to the new adventures that await us. Some of us (myself being one of these people) long for change and love the way that it keeps things fresh, moving, inspiring. Newness gives us a certain breath of air and motivation that nothing else can. We dive into newness to see what it's all about: What incredible things we will find here? What kind of people will we meet? What kind of friendships will we have? What new things will we learn and know? The unknown, of course, is scary but it's also tantalizing. Still, the anticipation of something new can never win over the sadness of saying goodbye. Even when the goodbye is necessary, needed, and important to moving forward- it still hurts. We love our routines and our familiarity and leaving it behind is never done lightheartedly.
As we gear up to say goodbye to the infant house, I think fondly on all the memories we will forever have there. The bonds that the children and I have created. How hard we have worked together and played together. How amazing we are as a team. I know much of this will change and that excites me but also saddens me. I so love watching these children grow and blossom. I will forever treasure our time at the infant house and keep it with me in my heart. It has meant so very, very much to me.
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