Young children are fascinated by what
adults are doing and when they are given the tools and permission to
care for the world around them, I notice that they take away a pride
in their work and a heightened awareness of what their own skills
are, and what might need to be done. I am constantly amazed by the
children's awareness and their ability to follow through on simple
cleaning and care activities, and it inspires me to continuously find
new ways to support their functional independence to complete the
tasks they set for themselves and that they perform to maintain a
beautiful, clean and safe environment.

I invite children to stand on chairs at the
sink, sponges in hand. The water is filling the sink and the smell
of citrusy dish soap is in the air. Earlier I had asked if they were
interested in washing dishes, and a cheer went up before they hurried
into the kitchen. An outsider might have heard their excitement and
expected an offer of something sweet, but this is often the reaction
I receive when I invite children to activities based on caring for
their environment.
I began to offer the opportunity
for children to join me washing dishes when I was in a hurry. I
needed to get the dishes done, no other adult was available, and left
to their own devices in the classroom chaos would have definitely
ensued. On a whim I suggested they join me at the sink in the
kitchen, and much to my pleasant surprise, they happily accepted.
Sponges in hand I set each child to a task. One would wash with me,
while the other rinsed off the soap. Half-way through I realized how
well this was going, and that my washer was truly washing the dishes,
not simply manipulating the water and soap on the sponge, as I would
expect. I made the decision to step back, and the process continued
without me for well over 10 minutes.

This observation inspired me to
continue this idea of including the children into the maintenance of
our kitchen and classroom environment. Folding laundry was the next
step, which got me thinking about an entire new set of concepts that
the children are working on as they tidy and clean. Washing dishes
is a repetitive patter, including a fairly complex series of steps,
leading to an expected outcome. This sounded like the basis for
logical sequencing which is found in mathematics, geometry and even
language. Folding laundry involves visual discrimination and
sorting, playing to the child's strong need for order in their
environment as they returns things to where they belong. Refinement
of the hand is practiced as different items are folded in different
ways, and hand eye coordination is employed when placing things in
neat stacks.
My thought process got really excited
then. How else could the children help out? What would it take for
them to become independent with these things? I set
up an area in the classroom dedicated to supporting the children's
growing ability of noticing something that needs care and I stocked
it with tools for them to use. By giving the children permission by
offering appropriate tools, they found joy in caring for their
environment and often preferred these 'chores' to the toys on our
shelves, while they honed life-long skills that they can apply in
various ways.
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