The elephants, especially Elliot, often joins us in the bathroom. SW said, "Elliot wants me to go potty, see?" He watches dutifully from the ledge as we do our work, sitting on his 'elephant potty.'
I also told a story this week about how elephants communicate over long distances via stomping. This seemed fairly appropriate, since that is our default dance move and motion when talking about elephants. In this story Elmer the elephant discovered a large tree covered with delicious leaves and wants to share his discovery with his friends Elvis and Elliot who are quite a distance away. Elmer tries to trumpeting to share the news, but it doesn't work! They're too far away. He tries again, but they still can't hear him! Finally he decides to stomp his message and Elvis and Elliot are able to hear the vibrations across the ground and hurry over to join him. Everyone enjoys a delicious leaf feast!
The elephants have grown to become an integral part of our day. They are part of our play, our story telling, and our daily flow. We all wonder, me most of all, where our investigations and imagination will bring us next. Will a new friend join the elephants? Will the elephants go on a journey? Will we become elephants? Stay tuned!
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