While we were playing outside this week the first signs of Spring were beginning to raise their heads. It was very exciting to me, which spread quickly to the boys and we began a tour of the yard in celebration. Amy had been pruning many of the plants and we have been incorporating them into our play. Branches stuck into one of our adult sized chairs has become a hiding place for a special garbage truck. GW carefully parked it under the branches, saying "Hiding in bushes. Green garbage truck hiding." As soon as he'd walk away someone would come and pull the truck out, use it for a moment then walk away. As soon as GW noticed it wasn't under the branches, he would quickly return it. We've been enjoying the ever changing weather that our spring gives us. Everyone was fascinated by the strong wind last week, especially when it began to blow the trucks across the asphalt! Later that week we noticed the first blossoms opening and the leaf buds on plants opening. The bright yellow daffodils drew us in and enticed us on a tour of the yard in celebration. SC and T were especially interested in how the plants were changing. We began our observation and attention to the plant life from the first day we went outside as infants. We practiced gentle touches on the flowers and leaves that surrounded us and even used found leaves and flowers as manipulatives as we were outside. This knowledge of plants now draw the boys into a refinement of focus while noticing the plants. We came to a tea rose plant that is covered with thorns. I gave them a warning, pointing out the sharp thorns and T lightly and slowly touched the thorns. "Owww" he said, even though it didn't poke his skin. We then noticed the new leaves opening and SC saw the old, dark flowers from last year, waiting to be dead headed. I showed them how to gently pull off the flowers and we talked about how they had finished their job and it was helpful to the plant to pull of the dead parts.
I love spring and always have and I look forward to sharing this time of discovery as the yard brings new life and color to our outdoor experiences!
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