We made it with everyone walking for just over 4 blocks and then I invited them to either keep walking or have a ride. As we went on our journey the vehicles and puddles we saw were of the most interest. Everyone seemed very excited to see the large puddles that had formed on the corners of the streets. Someone said "ducks!" which prompted us to sing a few duck songs as we went down the street.

There was also quite a bit of brotherly love happening, especially between SC and his big brother K. K was so stoked to see his little brother he ran up to the gate calling his name! Then they hung out together for the majority of our time at the school as we watched the work that the big kids were doing. SW and I hung out together, until the preschoolers began stomping to encourage the worms to come up to the top of the ground to be collected. He then gleefully joined in, especially in watching the worms wriggle around in their hands.

Soon it was time for us to return to our school. The preschoolers asked why we had to leave over and over, but soon we were all back in the stroller for a ride home. We rode through many puddles, much to the joy of the boys and soon back at school.
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