T was especially excited about the pot full of water. I sat out a variety of small jars and a few metal bowls then watched to see what would happen. Hands dipped into the water and a few times paused as they felt the chilly water. SC especially liked to find ways to put water in and out of the metal tea kettle. We also went searching for other drips and found one at the side of the house. The drips fell down into the kettle with a lovely dop-dop-dop.

The most fun was scooping the water into another container then dumping it into the leaves. Soon there were some of the bright yellow in the pot as well.

GH discovered more metal bowls collecting rain under the tree. He found different ways a lid could fit on top and paused a few times to listen to the rain tip-tapping on the metal.
The rain is raining everywhere
It rains on hill and tree
It rains on the umbrellas here
And on the ships at sea.
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