Supporting the child on their path to
becoming confident communicators and active listeners I try to find
key phrases they are able to use, often a long with a hand movement,
to tell someone what they need or want. This started from the first
day they were in my care as an infant. We signed milk at bottle
time, 'change' for when it is time to go to the bathroom and even
music when I would ask a baby if they wanted to sing a song.

Now that the children are toddlers, my
phrases are adapting to toddler experiences. I try to come up with a
simple phrase of 3 words or less with a hand motion that gets the
point across. One of my most highly used phrase was “move back!”
with what I think of a stop sign hand held up in front of their body.
This is a very important phrase as there always comes that moment
during the day, when two children come together and want to interact.
Sometimes it goes smoothly with gentle touches, hugs, giving and
taking of toys. Other times, one of the children isn't ready isn't
ready for that gentle stroke of the hair or an exuberant good morning
hug. What is important is giving the children the ways to respect
each other's needs and be able to communicate them in a safe way.

What I began to notice about 'move
back' was that the stop sign hand was turning into a pushing hand.
This was definitely not a safe situation, so after thinking about it
and being inspired by our movement teacher I began to introduce the
idea of the bubble. This bubble is the safety cushion we all need
around our bodies when we need space. I began to give this phrase to
the children and test out it's effectiveness. One day we were in the
bathroom and one child leaned over to pat another on the head. The
child being touched reacted by pushing and crying. I quickly came
over and said, “Oh! I hear S. He wants space. Look S, you can
tell G that you need space like this. (I brought his fists together
in front of his body, making a bubble) 'Space, G. I need space!'”
We paused looking at G. He moved back. “It worked! You told him
that you needed space and made a bubble and he stopped!”
Like any new thing or behavior there
has been much practicing and repetition since I introduced it, but
already I am noticing less pushing when two children need space from
each other. I look forward to supporting everyone on this new path of respect and communication.
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