Once we had explored the petals for a while, S and GW noticed that there were more petals at the base of the large, pink rose bush nearby. A few of the roses were at the end of their bloom, so as the bush was bumped, more petals scattered to the ground! They crawled and walked to the grass around the bush to investigate closer.

“The petals are on the ground! They feel soft on my hands. Leave the petals on the bush. Let's just use the ones that have fallen.” I repeated as the boys explored.

Suddenly GW pointed and said, “That!” I looked where he was pointing, and there was more flowers! Daisies and other pink ones, so he and S went to investigate. SC, T and I watched as we talked about where all of the flowers in the yard could be found.
“You found more flowers! I wonder if you can find more...”
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